Harassment Policy

Verbal and/or Physically Aggressive, Threatening, or Violent Behaviors

Higher Ground Women’s Recovery Residence, Inc., has a zero-tolerance policy for any verbal and/or physically harassing, intimidating, menacing, aggressive, threatening, or violent behavior directed at or targeting other Peers, Staff, Guests, and/or Visitors.

You understand and agree that harassing, intimidating, menacing, aggressive, threatening, and/or violent behavior of any type or in any form will not be tolerated. You understand and agree that, if You engage in any harassing, intimidating, menacing, threatening, aggressive, or violent behavior, You will receive an immediate discharge. You understand and agree that actions have consequences. As a result, You understand and agree that my actions may also result in legal intervention and/or charges when warranted.

Harassment – any unwanted verbal or physical behavior that offends or humiliates the victim

Intimidation – the action of frightening or threatening an individual

Menacing – encompasses a wide range of behaviors, from physical threats to verbal harassment, that create a reasonable belief of potential harm or danger

Aggression – behavior that causes physical or emotional harm to others or threatens to; it is hostile and insensitive to others; affected individuals may feel bullied, embarrassed, or ashamed

Threatening –  a statement or behavior that is intended to cause harm or danger; an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on an individual in retribution for something done or not done

Violence –  behaviors involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something

You understand and agree that any behavior or action described above OR any other act that threatens or violates the safety, peace, and security of other Peers and/or the Program constitutes a breach of Higher Ground Women’s Recovery Residence, Inc.’s zero-tolerance policy and will result in your immediate discharge and may also result in legal intervention, including the possibility of legal charges.

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